If you are reading this you are likely a blogger and you know your way around the Web and you might even have your own blog. You might be surprised to learn that you are in the minority. Up until a month ago, I was under the impression that only dirt poor people or people with only dial-up access or people on the slow side did not access the Web to the full potential. I was wrong.
I know for a fact that very intelligent (but over 50) people and people with easy fast access to the Internet only come here to visit. They do not tap into the income potential of the Internet and do not think it is worth doing.
This is a good thing, surprising, but good for those of us who do understand the income potential and want to pursue it. It is good because it means the pie is not cut into a hundred pieces, it is cut into ten pieces. We get a bigger piece of the pie.
I actually know very little about the art of bringing in Internet income at this time. I have a couple of websites VintageOzarks.com and CountryFolkMag.com. Only one of these sites earns income with click ads. This is because I have only had highspeed access for three months. Before that I was dial-up.
I will be building up the Country Folk Magazine site over the next few weeks intensely and over the years continually.

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Thank you for your questions and comments. Much appreciated. Susan